Right Of Way Repair & Erosion Control Services
Our Right-of-Way Repair and Erosion Services help protect roads and highways by repairing damage caused by construction and erosion. Our experienced team ensures the integrity of right-of-ways to keep them safe and functional.
Grading / Rut Repair
Setting grade and repairing ruts are a necessary part of utility work. Our top-grade equipment ensures we get the job done.
Concrete Repair
We repair concrete damage done to sidewalks, curbs, and driveways by utility work.
Environmental Restoration
When spills damage ROW or private property, we rebuild the earth surrounding the affected area after the hazardous material is removed.
C&H Construction is a Department of Transportation pre-approved contractor and has served as a prime and subcontractor for both the public and private sector. With a growing roster of successful projects, we are able to meet the challenges of the road building industry throughout Southeast.